
Just got off a two hour call with the wonderful Emma Jones who has just launched her new business coaching programme and I am completely blown away! (Excuse me but why haven’t you done this sooner, with your knowledge and experience)? I’ve had so many blocks, from past experiences, trauma, and things that I didn’t even think would effect and hinder my progression in the industry! I’ve watched this woman build multiple 6 figure business across not only the network marketing world but commercial businesses, and I’ve always been in awe of her work. Seriously, if you need any sort of business advice, guidance - financially or or emotionally, I highly recommend her… I don’t just recommend her, like RUN to her inbox to book a free 2 hour call! In my whole 12 years being in the industry, no one has ever broke down my barriers like Emma has this evening!! Emma, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much!! You have helped me in more ways than you know. Head over to her page, or drop her an inbox, I promise you, she will take any sort of business that you’re in, or want to launch, to a different level.
Business & Life Coach North West England
Claire Williams


I recently had a full day of coaching 1:1 with Emma and in just ONE day, Emma has helped me: 1. Clarify my goals 2. Put all my thoughts and ideas in order 3. Create a plan of action 4. Create the right mindset for my success instead of the toxic, negative, self-deprecating, pity party mindset I've had all along 5. See my strengths and gifts to bring into my coaching and writing 6. See that I am enough and that I know enough to achieve my goals And since then, she is kicking my a.. in the nicest way possible with her encouragement, motivating messages, calls, and support, holding me accountable for what I promised myself, and helping me develop the habits I need to have in place to ensure I succeed and remain successful. No matter how dynamic, independent, and strong you are, sometimes, you need someone who is going to walk that journey with you, so you are not alone, so you are not grappling in the darkness of doubt, criticism, and fear. Someone who tells you things you need to hear in order to grow and better yourself and achieve your dreams, YOUR DREAMS...
Business & Life Coach North West England
Michelle Foulia


Prior to a coaching call with Emma this afternoon, I was confused, just going with the flow and generally haven’t a clue which direction I should take. A bit about me, after 20 years in the corporate world and having made a success within the Network Marketing industry to then being all over the place during lockdown and not working the business at all, I mean £0 income! I looked into going back into Network Marketing and felt like a failure, like how can you do this again after taking nearly 3 years out? Emma, massively helped me with blocks I placed on myself and cleared the way I was seeing things. I now see having the skills that Network Marketing gave me, along with huge Public Speaking opportunities that I was blessed with, meant that in fact ‘NM’ was the platform for me to gain these skills that I otherwise would never have. Emma had completely transformed the way I think and see things now and I’ll forever be eternally grateful to you ❤️ She’s helped me realise my true passion and a business that will facilitate this using my skills but at the same time, I can be unapologetically ME 😃 Emma, I’ve had many coaches in my time, however, you are the only coach, whose made me feel this way and bought 💯 clarity to me within one call! That’s powerful skill that YOU have 🔥...
Business & Life Coach North West England
Shaheen Joomaye


Well what can I say about Emma Jones?! Apart from being a lovely woman, who puts you at ease….she’s an absolutely amazing ball of knowledge, especially if you’re starting your own business. She has so many good ideas, and knows the ins and outs of exactly what is required. After a 2 hour coaching call, I was up and running and my diary was literally full within 10 DAYS!!! She was constantly available to answer any questions I had and to guide me through the whole process, when frankly I didn’t know where to start, as I was a complete novice!!! She’s so easy to talk to and never judged me with the multiple questions I had (which were probably questions a lot of people already know!!). I’ll be forever grateful to this amazing lady. Thank you Emma xx
Katie Davies


My self esteem has been at an all time low and I decided to look into finding a life coach to help me change this. I came across Emma online and took the step to reach out and contact her for help. After one session with her I immediately felt at ease, uplifted and hopeful. She is so direct yet so down to earth and she really helped me to start to understand what I needed to do to change my mindset and improve my mood. She has already given me so much to think about and to also take away to work on myself. I would recommend her to anyone who is going through a tough time and needs support with their own self esteem and other personal issues.
Hollie Chester

Do You Want to Improve Your Business?

Close the gap between where you are today – and where you want to be. My way of coaching is to empower you in becoming the Leader you want to be.