The Success Coach

Emma’s Successes:

  1. 2022 Nominee for Womens business awards for The Success Coach
  2. Welsh Women’s Awards 2019 Emma Jones was awarded the Highly Commended Entrepreneur of the Year.
  3. Won best welsh beauty salon in the whole of wales with a business I set up within 18 months of opening
  4. Was the number one female in the U.K. for the whole of Ariix network marketing.
  5. 2019 won Unleash your potential Ariix prestigious award

Emma Qualification:

  1. Diploma in psychology 
  2. SETQ teacher training 
  3. Diploma in Human Resources 
  4. Mentoring for mentors
  5. Diploma Life coaching 
  6. NLP centre of Excellence coaching and mentoring 
  7. Level 5 in management principles 
The Success Coach


Behind the scenes of The Success Coach, I am a wife, mother to 3 beautiful children and avid pet lover! In fact, I love dogs so much that I breed award winning pedigree golden retrievers for therapy dogs! Born in North Wales, I have been truly blessed with the most wonderful childhood and strong family support. Although classed as average in school, and destined to fail in the school system, my passion and drive for success, did not hold me back and instead, my ADD diagnosis, became the gift and driving force towards my dreams. Indeed, ADD has been my superpower, helping me think differently, see my uniqueness, consider problems from different perspectives and come up with creative solutions that others simply couldn’t see. My determination ensured I passed my exams despite my difficulties and headed towards a career in nursing. But I didn’t fit in that box of the repetitive, limiting, uninspiring education system I felt trapped in, and so after six months, I walked out and into an apprenticeship in the world of recruitment. I worked my way up and within 16 years I was Director of the company. The experience, use of my creativity and resourcefulness, gave me a hunger for entrepreneurship and in my 20’s I started my own businesses. Years of training, learning from mistakes and successes, mentoring, attending webinars, events and courses, introduced me to the world of coaching. Seeing people I worked with transformed through simple but powerful conversations, left me wanting more and knowing this was my path. Many years, awards and recognition later, I love my life, living in my dream home on a stunning Welsh mountain surrounded by my precious family, my dogs and living my purpose coaching others into success, one powerful conversation at a time.

What We Can Do For You?

Business Coaching

Coaching starts by declaring a powerful future. Working in partnership together, discovering your business goals and achieving success.

1:1 Consulting

Working closely with business owners and managers to improve operations and efficiency. Business consulting includes helping to identify, address, and overcome obstacles to meeting your companies goals.

Career Analysis

Support and guidance helping you maximise your personal and professional potential. Aiding to find the right career for you.

Balanced Body & Mind

Balanced mind and body programme


An intense 4 day masterclass covering all
Aspects of running your business, from mindset to showing up, to profit, sales marketing and more - contact us for a full course content programme

Mindset, Beliefs and Motivation

Community group coaching

The Community group with like minded business owners come together with 2 free training programmes delivery live each week, to help gain clarity and the knowledge needed in business success.

40 Week Programe

An exclusive 40 week 1:1 step by step program
40 topics to be your own successor in business
Proven methods that work, handholding you into success

1 day intense launch your own business

A full planning day to form clarity, to action leaving you with a full step by step programme to set up launch and complete in order to fast track your business start up, whilst coaching through the barriers of yourself and business that will be occurring.

Our Customers


Just got off a two hour call with the wonderful Emma Jones who has just launched her new business coaching programme and I am completely blown away! (Excuse me but why haven’t you done this sooner, with your knowledge and experience)?
Business & Life Coach North West England
Claire Williams


I recently had a full day of coaching 1:1 with Emma and in just ONE day, Emma has helped me:
1. Clarify my goals
2. Put all my thoughts and ideas in order
3. Create a plan of action
4. Create the right mindset for my success instead of the toxic...
Business & Life Coach North West England
Michelle Foulia


Prior to a coaching call with Emma this afternoon, I was confused, just going with the flow and generally haven’t a clue which direction I should take...
Business & Life Coach North West England
Shaheen Joomaye

Request for free Consultation

You can get in touch with me directly at Email Emma@thesuccesscoach.info